May 17, 2021

Dealing with the Challenges of Divorce and Child Custody

When a married couple reaches the point where they can no longer remain together, divorce is usually the logical next step. If there are children to consider, custody arrangements are an essential part of the process. The welfare of the children, financial support and shared parenting are just some of the factors that parents need to work out. 

Despite how divorces are often represented in popular media, it is possible to come to agreements and resolve disputes. During this difficult time, you deserve to receive support throughout this period of your life. Ensuring that children are cared for and nurtured is integral to the process. 

Custody Arrangements

Although you may wish to share parenting in ways that are best for your child or children, competing ideas can result in disputes. Sharing financial responsibilities would be the best solution for children in an ideal world. However, every divorced couple will have their own challenges to face. 

When there are disputes surrounding custody arrangements, issues such as participating in major decisions, residency arrangements, and financial support can be resolved equitably. If you live in St. Paul or Minneapolis, Segal Duffek Moen can provide legal support and representation. 

Navigating Divorce in Minneapolis

The complexities of your divorce may leave you feeling overwhelmed. That is why it is important to consider consulting with the team at Segal Duffek Moen. We have experience in helping individuals navigate all the considerations associated with child custody after a relationship breaks down. Our approach involves natural compassion for clients and any children involved in a divorce. 

Call the offices of Segal Duffek Moen if you need help and representation in Minneapolis. You can get through a divorce without compromising the emotional wellbeing of your children. Allow our experienced legal professionals to provide the support that you deserve. We are here to support you throughout all legal stages of your breakup. 

The information contained in this article is provided for general informational purposes only. It may or may not be accurate in your jurisdiction or on the date you read it.  It also is not intended to constitute legal advice and should not be construed as such. Your use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Segal Duffek Moen.  If you need legal advice, you should speak with an attorney.